What Do I do If I Don’t See a Journal Editor’s Name Listed?
We welcome and encourage any Editor of any academic journal to publicly affirm this Code of Conduct. Please feel free to share this site’s url (http://editorethics.charlotte.edu) with Editors not currently listed as affirming. Alternatively, you may recommend to us that we contact them directly (please post as a Comment using the link on the left. If possible, provide the full name of the Editor and Journal, and their email address). Or, send us an email: sgrogelb@uncc.edu or ruppd@purdue.edu.
If I affirmed as a journal editor, what do I put on my website? Journal editors can add any text they would like on their website indicating their affirmation. Here is an example. Journal of XYZ Affirmed the Ethical Practices of Journal Editors: Voluntary Code of Conduct on March 2014. For more information see: http://editorethics.charlotte.edu/