Ethical Practices of Journal Editors: Voluntary Code of Conduct
I __________as an Editor or Associate Editor of____________, already bound by the ethical standards of my respective journal(s), professional association(s), and discipline, affirm [as an individual and not on behalf of my journal(s) or sponsoring association] the importance of the following practices:
Article I. Refraining from coercive citation practices, inappropriate citation inflation practices, and citation cartels (whereby editors link together and encourage authors to cite work published in the journals with whom they have partnered).
In both public submission guidelines, and well as within the peer review process, authors will be encouraged to omit citations that are irrelevant to a paper’s main thesis. Specifically, I will refrain from encouraging authors to cite my journal, or those of my colleagues, unless the papers suggested are pertinent to specific issues raised within the context of the review. In other words, it should never be a requirement to cite papers from a particular journal unless the work is directly relevant and germane to the scientific conversation of the paper itself. I acknowledge that any blanket request to cite a particular journal, as well as the suggestion of citations without a clear explanation of how the additions address a specific gap in the paper, is coercive and unethical.
I will monitor for, refrain from, and discourage the practice of citation cartels, reviewer/action editor self-serving citation advisement, and editorial regimes and partnerships. As for the latter, this could include serving as a guest editor (or having one of my associate editors serve in this capacity) of another journal with the intent of using it as a mechanism to cite articles from one’s principal journal.
As an editor, I recognize that metrics such as impact factors are one of many imperfect methods of measuring the impact of published papers, and will not engage in efforts to game or influence these calculations (such as those listed above). I also recognize that, although all journals are entitled to aspire to certain acceptance rate levels and determine their own threshold for what is acceptable work to be published, journals should not artificially reduce the number of papers accepted so as to increase the probability of creating a more favorable impact factor.
I will also consider the ethical implications of how editorial material is presented, and ensure that the use of editorials or the citations therein are in no way used to game citation counts or impact factor computations.
Article II. Promotion of ethical research practices.
In recognizing the global dialog regarding data fraud, research integrity, and implicit pressures on authors to manipulate findings, hide results, etc., I will, whenever possible and appropriate given the scope of my journal, encourage:
- data transparency including identifying potential conflicts of interest
- the citing of archival data sources properly, and for one-off data collections, revealing to action editors the full set of variables (if reasonable) and other papers emerging from the data sample under review (or for larger-scale investigations, involving publicly available, representative datasets, providing adequate context with which to assess the unique contribution of the reported study).
- the reporting (and publishing) of theoretically/methodologically relevant null results
- substantive and important replication efforts and the use of both (quality) inductive and deductive research.
- the refraining from opportunistic post-hoc hypothesizing under the guise of deductive research.
- compliance to journal policy, and discipline-specific ethical standards surrounding data sharing, data retention (to permit colleagues to verify results), and the reporting of results.
- careful monitoring for plagiarism, self-plagiarism, and the re-submission of papers rejected by previous editorial teams.
Article III. Fairness to authors.
I will encourage:
- the providing of clear feedback to authors about what is required to make a paper publishable.
- the keeping of commitments made in decision letters.
- the keeping of the revision process timely and/or not overly cumbersome or unduly prolonged.
- the holding of action editors and reviewers accountable to a high level of due diligence. I recognize that reviewers are expected to prepare high quality reviews that may require additional work beyond reading the manuscript, and that they should not review papers for which they are unqualified. I will monitor review quality and consider returning poor quality reviews, providing such reviewers feedback and/or flagging poor reviewers in the reviewer database. I also recognize that editors and reviewers have an obligation to justify, with relevant citations as appropriate, any recommendations for substantial change in the substantive focus or analytic methods of a paper.
- the timely dissemination of published work. I recognize the need to make authors’ published work publicly available as quickly as possible (e.g., through the immediate production of papers and posting on early view, online first, and other web-based listings of in press papers. These papers should be fully formatted and contain a permanent doi code.
Article IV. The handling of investigations into potential errors and/or potential unethical research practices.
I recognize that an investigation into alleged errors and/or unethical research practices is a very sensitive matter which involves the protection of the rights of multiple stakeholder groups, including but not limited to authors, accusers, reviewers, action editors, journals, and publishers. In instances where appeals or accusations require an investigation, I commit to handle such situations in a way that maximizes procedural justice and professionalism toward all involved. In many cases this may involve following a standard procedure for handling such issues, such as those put out by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE; who provides flowcharts for handling ethical problems and guidelines on retractions) or other governing bodies (American Psychological Association, Academy of Management, etc.). In other instances, it may involve following practices established by the journal publisher which are designed to uphold professional ethical standards.
Article V. Communicating ethical standards.
I commit to communicate these and other relevant ethical standards to associate editors, board members, and authors; and to convey these principles within appropriate public forums (e.g., editors’ panels at professional conferences). I will encourage reviewers and action editors to report to the Editor (or to the Editor Ethics Advisory Board) when they feel
the articles herein have been violated. I will encourage action editors to similarly report occasions when reviewers are seen as engaging in unethical practices.
Article VI. Dissemination of this code.
I approve of this Code and its signatories being posted on a public Internet site.
Affirming names are in ABC order by date of the affirmation.
Founding Editors | ||
1. | Jason Colquitt | Academy of Management Journal |
2. | Steve Kozlowski | Journal of Applied Psychology |
3. | Frederick Morgeson | Personnel Psychology |
4. | Steven Rogelberg | Journal of Business and Psychology (co-chair) |
5. | Deborah Rupp | Journal of Management (co-chair) |
Advisory Board for Second Edition | ||
1. | Neal Ashkanasy | Journal of Organizational Behavior |
2. | Brad Bell | Personnel Psychology |
3. | Gilad Chen | Journal of Applied Psychology |
4. | Jason Colquitt | Academy of Management Journal |
5. | Jerry Davis | Administrative Science Quarterly |
6. | Gerry George | Academy of Management Journal |
7. | Steve Kozlowski | Journal of Applied Psychology |
8. | Frederick Morgeson | Personnel Psychology |
9. | Steven Rogelberg | Journal of Business and Psychology (co-chair) |
10. | Deborah Rupp | Journal of Management (co-chair) |
11. | Patrick Wright | Journal of Management |
New Affirming Editors (Second Edition) | ||||
1. | Neal Ashkanasy | Journal of Organizational Behavior | 03/28/2014 | |
2. | Brad Bell | Personnel Psychology | 03/28/2014 | |
3. | Gilad Chen | Journal of Applied Psychology | 03/28/2014 | |
4. | Jason Colquitt | Academy of Management Journal | 03/28/2014 | |
5. | Jerry Davis | Administrative Science Quarterly | 03/28/2014 | |
6. | Gerry George | Academy of Management Journal | 03/28/2014 | |
7. | Steve Kozlowski | Journal of Applied Psychology | 03/28/2014 | |
8. | Fredrick Morgeson | Personnel Psychology | 03/28/2014 | |
9. | Steven Rogelberg | Journal of Business and Psychology | 03/28/2014 | |
10. | Deborah Rupp | Journal of Management | 03/28/2014 | |
11. | Patrick Wright | Journal of Management | 03/28/2014 | |
12. | Chris Quinn Trank | Academy of Management Learning and Education | 03/29/2014 | |
13. | Roy Suddaby | Academy of Management Review | 03/29/2014 | |
14. | Xiao-Ping Chen | Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes | 04/15/2014 | |
15. | Jonathan Doh | Journal of World Business | 04/15/2014 | |
16. | Robert C. Eklund | Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology | 04/15/2014 | |
17. | Alexander E. Ellinger | International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management | 04/15/2014 | |
18. | Michael Haenlein | European Management Journal | 04/15/2014 | |
19. | Tomas Hult | Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science | 04/15/2014 | |
20. | I. M. Jawahar | Career Development International | 04/15/2014 | |
21. | Byung-Keun Kim | Asian Journal of Technology Innovation | 04/15/2014 | |
22. | Keld Laursen | Research Policy | 04/15/2014 | |
23. | Fred Luthans | Journal of World Business | 04/15/2014 | |
24. | John Slocum | Journal of World Business | 04/15/2014 | |
25. | Joel Steckel | Marketing Letters | 04/15/2014 | |
26. | Terence J. G. Tracey | Journal of Counseling Psychology | 04/15/2014 | |
27. | Asoo J. Vakharia | Decision Sciences | 04/15/2014 | |
28. | Rolf van Dick | Journal of Personnel Psychology | 04/15/2014 | |
29. | Chockalingam Viswesvaran | International Journal of Selection and Assessment | 04/15/2014 | |
30. | Arch Woodside | Journal of Business Research | 04/15/2014 | |
31. | Aaron M. Brower | Small Group Research | 04/16/2014 | |
32. | Kenneth G. Brown | Academy of Management Learning & Education | 04/16/2014 | |
33. | Michael Carney | Asia Pacific Journal of Management | 04/16/2014 | |
34. | Gary Castrogiovanni | International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal | 04/16/2014 | |
35. | Dries Faems | Journal of Management Studies | 04/16/2014 | |
36. | Bill Harley | Journal of Management Studies | 04/16/2014 | |
37. | Joann Keyton | Small Group Research | 04/16/2014 | |
38. | Susan Marlow | International Small Business Journal | 04/16/2014 | |
39. | Kevin R. Murphy | Industrial and Organizational Psychology | 04/16/2014 | |
40. | Ramon Rico | European Journal of Work & Organizational Psychology | 04/16/2014 | |
41. | Salvador Roig | International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal | 04/16/2014 | |
42. | Toon Taris | Work & Stress | 04/16/2014 | |
43. | Matthias Ziegler | European Journal of Psychological Assessment | 04/16/2014 | |
44. | Andy Adcroft | Management Decision | 04/17/2014 | |
45. | Gloria Barczak | Journal of Product Innovation Management | 04/17/2014 | |
46. | Petra de Weerd-Nederhof | Creativity and Innovation Management | 04/17/2014 | |
47. | Gerard George | Academy of Management Journal | 04/17/2014 | |
48. | Klassjan Visscher | Creativity and Innovation Management | 04/17/2014 | |
49. | Lutz Kaufmann | Journal of Supply Chain Management | 04/19/2014 | |
50. | Rob Hyndman | International Journal of Forecasting | 04/21/2014 | |
51. | D. Ray Bagby | Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice | 04/22/2014 | |
52. | Alexander Styhre | Scandinavian Journal of Management | 04/22/2014 | |
53. | Charles R. Taylor | International Journal of Advertising | 04/23/2014 | |
54. | Jenny Bimrose | British Journal of Guidance & Counseling | 04/25/2014 | |
55. | Andrea D. Ellinger | Human Resource Development Quarterly | 04/25/2014 | |
56. | John Cantwell | Journal of International Business Studies | 05/04/2014 | |
57. | James M. LeBreton | Organizational Research Methods | 05/05/2014 | |
58. | Andrew Popp | Enterprise & Society: The International Journal of Business History | 05/06/2014 | |
59. | Philip Scranton | Enterprise & Society: The International Journal of Business History | 05/06/2014 | |
60. | Ruta Kazlauskaite | Baltic Journal of Management | 05/09/2014 | |
61. | William Gardner | Group & Organization Management | 07/18/2014 | |
62. | Jonathon Halbesleben | Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology | 07/24/2014 | |
63. | Donald Siegel | Academy of Management Perspectives | 07/23/2014 | |
64. | Patrick J. Murphy | Management Decision | 07/23/2014 | |
65. | Masaaki Kotabe | Journal of International Management | 07/23/2014 | |
66. | Lisa Ellram | Journal of Supply Chain Management | 07/23/2014 | |
67. | Craig Carter | Journal of Supply Chain Management | 07/23/2014 | |
68. | Belle Ragins | Academy of Management Review | 07/23/2014 | |
69. | Charmine E. J. Härtel | Journal of Management & Organization | 07/23/2014 | |
70. | Rogelio Oliva | System Dynamics Review | 07/24/2014 | |
71. | James C. Hayton | Human Resource Management | 07/24/2014 | |
72. | David Collings | Human Research Management Journal | 07/24/2014 | |
73. | Mark Lorenzen | Industry and Innovation | 07/24/2014 | |
74. | Ben Martin | Research Policy | 07/24/2014 | |
75. | Nelarine Cornelius | Personnel Review | 07/24/2014 | |
76. | Eric Pezet | Personnel Review | 07/24/2014 | |
77. | Evon Smit | Journal for Studies in Economics and Econometrics | 07/24/2014 | |
78. | Evon Smit | South African Journal of Business Management | 07/24/2014 | |
79. | Adrian Wilkinson | Human Research Management Journal | 07/24/2014 | |
80. | Stefan Kuhlmann | Research Policy | 07/24/2014 | |
81. | Peter Mouncey | International Journal of Market Research | 07/24/2014 | |
82. | Ashish Arora | Research Policy | 07/24/2014 | |
83. | Marc J. Dollinger | Business Horizons | 07/24/2014 | |
84. | Martin Kenney | Research Policy | 07/24/2014 | |
85. | Suzanne Masterson | Journal of Organizational Management | 07/24/2014 | |
86. | Praveen Kumar | Corporation Governance-An International Review | 07/24/2014 | |
87. | Alessandro Zattoni | Corporation Governance-An International Review | 07/24/2014 | |
88. | Luis Felipe Luna Reyes | System Dynamics Review | 07/24/2014 | |
89. | Francois Colbert | International Journal of Arts Management | 07/24/2014 | |
90. | Timothy M. Devinney | Academy of Management Perspectives | 07/25/2014 | |
91. | Andreas Groessler | Systems Dynamics Review | 07/25/2014 | |
92. | Giovanni Schiuma | Knowledge Management Research & Practice | 07/30/2014 | |
93. | Russel Coff | Strategic Organization | 07/30/2014 | |
94. | Teppo Felin | Strategic Organization | 07/30/2014 | |
95. | Ann Langley | Strategic Organization | 07/30/2014 | |
96. | Tim J. Rowley | Strategic Organization | 07/30/2014 | |
97. | Jacob Goldenberg | International Journal of Research in Marketing | 08/03/2014 | |
98. | Eitan Muller | International Journal of Research in Marketing | 08/03/2014 | |
99. | Dale Furbish | Journal of Employment Counseling | 08/03/2014 | |
100. | Fred Luthans | Organizational Dynamics | 08/08/2014 | |
101. | Fred Luthans | Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies | 08/08/2014 | |
102. | Lois Tetrick | Journal of Managerial Psychology | 08/11/2014 | |
103. | Charles R. Taylor | International Journal of Advertising | 08/13/2014 | |
104. | Marvin Washington | Journal of Sport Management | 08/13/2014 | |
105. | Adrian Ziderman | International Journal of Manpower | 08/13/2014 | |
106. | Thomas Lange | Evidence-based HRM: A Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship | 08/13/2014 | |
107. | Cornelia (Connie) Pechmann | Journal of Consumer Psychology | 08/21/2014 | |
108. | Amna Kirmani | Journal of Consumer Psychology | 08/21/2014 | |
109. | Paulo Bento | Global Economics and Management Review | 08/28/2014 | |
110. | Michael Bourlakis | International Journal of Logistics | 08/28/2014 | |
111. | Hannah R. Rothstein | Research Synthesis Methods | 08/31/2014 | |
112. | Ling Chen | Management Communication Quarterly | 9/17/2014 | |
113. | Mohan Thite | South Asian Journal of Human Resource Management | 10/08/2014 | |
114. | Greg Wang | Journal of Chinese Human Resource Management | 10/08/2014 | |
115. | Bernd Marcus | Journal of Personnel Psychology | 10/08/2014 | |
116. | Leanne Atwater | Leadership Quarterly | 10/08/2014 | |
117. | Nikos Bozionelos | Asia Pacific Journal of Management | 10/08/2014 | |
118. | David Brock | Journal of Professions and Organization | 10/08/2014 | |
119. | Steven Taylor | Organizational Aesthetics | 10/09/2014 | |
120. | James Hayton | Human Resource Management | 10/09/2014 | |
121. | Sim Sitkin | Academy of Management Annals | 10/10/2014 | |
122. | Laurie Weingart | Academy of Management Annals | 10/10/2014 | |
123. | Sim Sitkin | Behavioral Science and Policy | 10/10/2014 | |
124. | Stefania Nirchi | Q Times Web Magazine | 10/11/2014 | |
125. | I- Stefania Capogna | Q Times Web Magazine | 10/13/2014 | |
126. | David Lepak | International Journal of Human Resource Management | 10/27/2014 | |
127. | Toni Doolen | Engineering Management Journal | 12/24/2014 | |
128. | Eileen Van Aken | Engineering Management Journal | 12/24/2014 | |
129. | Art Brief | Research in Organizational Behavior | 12/30/2014 | |
130 | Patrick Y.K. Chau | Information and Management | 12/31/2014 | |
131. | Wally Borman | Human Performance | 12/31/2014 | |
132. | Vishwanath Baba | Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences | 1/6/2015 | |
133. | Mark Dodgson | Innovation: Management, Policy and Practice | 1/7/2015 | |
134. | Bernd Strauss | Psychology of Sport and Exercise | 1/27/2015 | |
135. | Nikos Ntoumanis | Psychology of Sport and Exercise | 1/27/2015 | |
135. | Paul Edwards | Human Relations | 1/30/2015 | |
136. | Michael Loui | Journal of Engineering Education | 2/17/2015 | |
137. | John Scott | Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice | 8/13/2015 |
New Affirming Associate Editors (Second Edition) | |||
1. | Jean Bartunek | Journal of Applied Behavioral Science | 03/29/2014 |
2. | Karl Aquino | Journal of Management | 04/15/2014 |
3. | Mark R. Beauchamp | Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology | 04/15/2014 |
4. | Ian Boardley | Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology | 04/15/2014 |
5. | Wendy R. Boswell | Personnel Psychology | 04/15/2014 |
6. | Berrin Erdogan | Personnel Psychology | 04/15/2014 |
7. | Steven Farmer | Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes | 04/15/2014 |
8. | Gary J. Greguras | Journal of Management | 04/15/2014 |
9. | Henrich R. Greve | Administrative Science Quarterly | 04/15/2014 |
10. | Jeff Hayes | Journal of Counseling Psychology | 04/15/2014 |
11. | Eden King | Journal of Management | 04/15/2014 |
12. | Paul E. Levy | Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes | 04/15/2014 |
13. | Christopher Marquis | Administrative Science Quarterly | 04/15/2014 |
14. | Meghan McDonough | Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology | 04/15/2014 |
15. | Sucheta Nadkarni | Journal of Management | 04/15/2014 |
16. | Fred Oswald | Journal of Management | 04/15/2014 |
17. | Marshall Schminke | Journal of Management | 04/15/2014 |
18. | J. Craig Wallace | Journal of Management | 04/15/2014 |
19. | Patrick Wright | Journal of Management | 04/15/2014 |
20. | Karina Nielsen | Work and Stress | 04/16/2014 |
21. | Morten Birkeland Nielsen | Work and Stress | 04/16/2014 |
22. | Sandra Ohly | Journal of Personnel Psychology | 04/16/2014 |
23. | Fred Oswald | Psychological Methods Research Synthesis Methods |
04/16/2014 |
24. | Paul Spector | Journal of Organizational Behavior Work and Stress |
04/16/2014 |
25. | Despoina Xanthopoulou | Journal of Personnel Psychology | 04/16/2014 |
26. | Angela Paladino | Journal of Product Innovation Management | 04/18/2014 |
27. | Helen Perks | Journal of Product Innovation Management | 04/18/2014 |
28. | Nathan P. Podsakoff | Personnel Psychology | 04/18/2014 |
29. | Shikhar Sarin | Journal of Product Innovation Management | 04/18/2014 |
30. | Barbara Bird | Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice | 04/22/2014 |
31. | Jim Chrisman | Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice | 04/22/2014 |
32. | Douglas Cumming | Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice | 04/22/2014 |
33. | Stephan Dilchert | European Journal of Psychological Assessment | 04/22/2014 |
34. | Rocio Fernandez-Ballesteros | European Journal of Psychological Assessment | 04/22/2014 |
35. | James O. Fiet | Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice | 04/22/2014 |
36. | Samuel Greiff | European Journal of Psychological Assessment | 04/22/2014 |
37. | Benson Honig | Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice | 04/22/2014 |
38. | Stephane Vautier | European Journal of Psychological Assessment | 04/22/2014 |
39. | Friederike Welter | Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice | 04/22/2014 |
40. | Maw-Der Foo | Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice | 04/25/2014 |
41. | In-Sue Oh | Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology | 04/28/2014 |
42. | John Antonakis | The Leadership Quarterly Organizational Research Methods |
05/05/2014 |
43. | Tim Munyon | Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology | 05/06/2014 |
44. | Anne D. Smith | Organizational Research Methods | 05/06/2014 |
45. | Carolyn MacCann | European Journal of Psychological Assessment | 05/07/2014 |
46. | Scott Tonidandel | Journal of Business and Psychology Organizational Research Methods |
05/07/2014 |
47. | James Combs | Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice | 05/09/2014 |
48. | Thomas Keil | Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice | 05/09/2014 |
49. | Sharon Clarke | Journal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology | 06/16/2014 |
50. | Judy Clair | Group & Organization Management | 06/17/2014 |
51. | Guido Hertel | Group & Organization Management | 07/17/2014 |
52. | M. Travis Maynard | Group & Organization Management | 07/18/2014 |
53. | Lisa M. Finkelstein | Group & Organization Management | 07/18/2014 |
54. | Jin Nam Choi | Group & Organization Management | 07/18/2014 |
55. | Orlando C. Richard | Group & Organization Management | 07/18/2014 |
56. | Ethlyn Williams | Group & Organization Management | 07/18/2014 |
57. | Lucy Gilson | Group and Organizational Management | 07/18/2014 |
58. | David Collings | Journal of World Business | 07/24/2014 |
59. | Peter G. Klein | Academy of Management Perspectives | 07/24/2014 |
60. | Thomas Lange | International Journal of Manpower | 08/13/2014 |
61. | Lew Hardy | Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology | 10/06/2014 |
62. | Julie Olson-Buchanan | Journal of Business and Psychology | 10/08/2014 |
63. | Robert Kaše | Human Resource Management | 10/08/2014 |
64. | Bill Gardner | Leadership Quarterly | 10/08/2014 |
65. | Felix Arndt | Journal of Management and Organization | 10/08/2014 |
66. | Ron Landis | Journal of Business and Psychology | 10/09/2014 |
67. | Shelley Dionne | Leadership Quarterly | 10/09/2014 |
68. | Stephanie Castro | Leadership Quarterly | 10/09/2014 |
69. | Kevin Lowe | Leadership Quarterly | 10/09/2014 |
70. | Ronald Riggio | Leadership Quarterly | 10/11/2014 |
71. | Francesca Gino | Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes; Management Science; Academy of Management Annals | 10/11/2014 |
72. | Jim Detert | Academy of Management Annals | 10/12/2014 |
73. | Forrest Briscoe | Academy of Management Annals; Administrative Science Quarterly | 10/14/2014 |
74. | Elaine Hollensbe | Academy of Management Journal | 10/14/2014 |
75. | Amy Colbert | Academy of Management Journal | 10/15/2014 |
76. | Susan Adams | Journal of Management Inquiry | 10/17/2014 |
77. | Daniel Beal | Journal of Management | 10/27/2014 |
78. | David Allen | Journal of Management | 10/27/2014 |
79. | Mark Griffin | Journal of Management | 10/27/2014 |
80. | Christopher Porter | Journal of Management, Africa Journal of Management | 12/27/2014 |
81 | Bruce Lamont | Africa Journal of Management | 12/29/2014 |
82. | Susan Murray | Engineering Management Journal | 1/5/2015 |
83. | Paul Componation | Engineering Management Journal | 1/6/2015 |
84. | Abhijit Gosavi | Engineering Management Journal | 1/7/2015 |
85. | Devi R. Gnyawali | Journal of Management | 1/21/2015 |
86. | Sam Aryee | Human Relations | 3/24/2015 |
87. | Gail Fairhurst | Human Relations | 3/24/2015 |
88. | Catherine Connelly | Human Relations | 3/24/2015 |
89. | Neil Conway | Human Relations | 3/24/2015 |
90. | John Cordery | Human Relations | 3/24/2015 |
91. | Kim Hoque | Human Relations | 3/24/2015 |
92. | Dennis Mumby | Human Relations | 3/24/2015 |
93. | Mathew Sheep | Human Relations | 3/24/2015 |
94. | Nick Turner | Human Relations | 3/24/2015 |
95. | Christoph Kemper | European Journal of Psychological Assessment. | 5/11/2015 |